/BCO-DMO/OA_Effects_of_HighCO2/ChaetImpact --Light_climate eq 200-- Level 1

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# TEP production and aggregation of Chaetoceros sp.
# PI: Jonathan Jones
# Co-PI: Dr. Uta Passow
# Version: 2017-08-28
Treatment_type  Temp  Light_climate  
Suboptimal      18    200            
Sample_Date  Tank_Label  Total_Vol  SSW_Vol  Slurry_Vol  SSW_PO4  SSW_Si  SSW_NO3  SSW_TA  SSW_pH  SSW_POC  SSW_DOC  SSW_TEP  SSW_bSi  SSW_cells  AGG_POC  AGG_TEP  AGG_bSi  AGG_cells  
20150520     18-0        5          5        0           0.78     63.4    37.4     2254    7.715   1470     268.94   4888     29       99214286   0        0        0        0          
20150523     18-4        5          4.845    0.155       0.35     64      18.3     2214    7.598   805      320.37   3107     1.18     2775000    5944     28310    136      4071979    
20150526     18-2        5          4.836    0.164       0.65     66.3    17.9     2177    7.515   900      308.84   3312     5        7750000    5330     39315    118      84186667   
20150527     18-7        5          4.721    0.279       0.58     68.2    17.5     2114    7.412   1160     284.64   5484     6        13175000   4129     16594    97       72679500   
20150528     18-10       5          4.8      0.2         0.84     67.4    12.3     2286    7.607   1360     302.14   8768     9        31500000   4720     2491     105      132800000  
20150520     18-0        5          5        0           0.78     63.4    37.4     2254    7.715   1470     268.94   4888     29       99214286   0        0        0        0          
20150526     18-1        5.1        4.296    0.804       0.18     29.1    0.06     2186    8.832   1510     285.1    5622     9        9900000    17849    86019    279      263712000  
20150526     18-3        5.1        4.421    0.679       0.16     29.9    0.03     2073    8.721   1030     301.22   2106     1        5560000    19487    97594    293      221806667  
20150527     18-8        5.1        4.228    0.872       0.13     36      0.06     2240    8.663   710      353.51   2505     2        675000     19533    128431   271      243506000  
20150527     18-9        5.1        4.513    0.587       0.19     36.4    0.09     2121    8.796   1110     324.47   2488     0        600000     17962    115530   242      165240500  
20150528     18-11       5.1        4.291    0.809       0.18     38.4    0.15     2278    8.66    1230     357.91   3875     3        3000000    23218    17525    273      563064000  
20150528     18-12       5.1        4.435    0.665       0.18     37.5    0.09     2280    8.698   1420     380.94   7293     6        2400000    21413    17194    256      414960000  
20150520     18-0        5          5        0           0.78     63.4    37.4     2254    7.715   1470     268.94   4888     29       99214286   0        0        0        0          
20150523     18-5        5.1        5.1      0           0.56     31.4    0.13     2082    8.669   4080     285.15   11304    62       231000000  0        0        0        0          
20150523     18-6        5.1        5.1      0           0.45     29.2    0.01     2097    7.888   4060     323.56   11360    61       154750000  0        0        0        0