/BCO-DMO/OA_Effects_of_HighCO2/ChaetImpact --Light_climate eq 100-- Level 1

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# TEP production and aggregation of Chaetoceros sp.
# PI: Jonathan Jones
# Co-PI: Dr. Uta Passow
# Version: 2017-08-28
Treatment_type  Temp  Light_climate  
Optimal         13    100            
Sample_Date  Tank_Label  Total_Vol  SSW_Vol  Slurry_Vol  SSW_PO4  SSW_Si  SSW_NO3  SSW_TA  SSW_pH  SSW_POC  SSW_DOC  SSW_TEP  SSW_bSi  SSW_cells  AGG_POC  AGG_TEP  AGG_bSi  AGG_cells  
20150520     13-0        5          5        0           0.81     53.1    37.8     2262    8.026   1650     246.45   3255     33       100500000  0        0        0        0          
20150522     13-4        5.1        5.1      0           0.27     17      4.38     2308    8.792   3780     269.51   7993     62       180769231  0        0        0        0          
20150522     13-8        5          4.853    0.147       0.34     51      22.5     2268    8.1     2220     271.71   6731     33       116909091  1242     3167     17       34790000   
20150522     13-12       5          4.867    0.133       0.4      50.7    20.8     2282    8.192   2260     303.24   7690     34       96923077   884      2392     12       15747200   
20150525     13-5        5.1        4.959    0.141       0.35     52.4    14.9     2286    7.945   1005     243.52   2631     1        2750000    8206     47736    139      59784000   
20150525     13-6        5          4.827    0.173       0.47     51.9    18.2     2280    7.917   1730     273.28   9963     6        28050000   3754     25298    77       53716500   
20150525     13-7        5          4.867    0.133       0.36     52.9    16       2290    7.969   1170     263.98   4315     4        12375000   7209     36932    115      93233000   
20150527     13-1        5          4.739    0.261       0.5      52.4    12.4     2286    7.887   1100     262.12   4227     2        3725000    6473     46473    135      102181500  
20150527     13-2        5          4.791    0.209       0.5      52.4    10.2     2274    7.828   1310     254.66   4879     3        8025000    6395     37642    129      88668250   
20150527     13-3        5          4.631    0.369       0.41     25      0.13     2277    8.348   1950     297.31   6542     0        3225000    13395    84421    270      125552250  
20150528     13-9        5.1        4.507    0.593       0.65     23.7    0.32     2275    8.855   1490     262.48   2468     0        0          18917    7901     nd       553862000  
20150528     13-10       5          4.784    0.216       0.56     53.3    13.3     2294    7.928   1440     266.77   5351     6        18950000   5033     1994     93       86292000   
20150528     13-11       5          4.843    0.157       0.53     53.3    14.3     2320    7.926   1470     264.49   8981     9        37882353   4427     2678     88       81954000