/BCO-DMO/LittleLagoonGroundwater/radium_isotopes_gw_rs ---- Level 0

# Ra isotopes in groundwater wells.
# W. Burnett and B. Mortazavi, PIs
# The R denotes duplicate samples.
# A, B and corr denote samples that were collected by two Mn-fibers
# put in series and the final results corrected for the recovery.
# Uncertainties given are +-1 sigma based on counting statistics.
# B.D. = below detection. Low yields on some of the shallow wells
# were a result of reducing groundwaters attaching the MnO2 fibers.
date_local year yrday_local
29-Jun-10 2010 180
28-Jul-10 2010 209
25-Jul-11 2011 206
7-Sep-11 2011 250
29-Nov-11 2011 333
6-Mar-12 2012 66
24-Apr-12 2012 115
21-May-12 2012 142