netcdf gom00 { dimensions: scalar = 1 ; node = 14777 ; nele = 27421 ; siglay = 30 ; siglev = 31 ; three = 3 ; four = 4 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (366 currently) variables: int nprocs(scalar) ; nprocs:long_name = "number of processors" ; int partition(nele) ; partition:long_name = "partition" ; partition:grid = "TWOD_MESH" ; float x(node) ; x:long_name = "nodal x-coordinate" ; x:units = "meters" ; x:grid = "TWOD_MESH" ; float y(node) ; y:long_name = "nodal y-coordinate" ; y:units = "meters" ; y:grid = "TWOD_MESH" ; float lon(node) ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:grid = "Bathymetry_Mesh" ; float lat(node) ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:grid = "Bathymetry_Mesh" ; float siglay(siglay, node) ; siglay:long_name = "Sigma Layers" ; siglay:standard_name = "ocean_sigma/general_coordinate" ; siglay:positive = "up" ; siglay:valid_min = "-1" ; siglay:valid_max = "0" ; siglay:formula_terms = "siglay:siglay eta:zeta depth:depth" ; float siglay_shift(siglay, node) ; siglay_shift:long_name = "Shifted Sigma Layers" ; float siglev(siglev, node) ; siglev:long_name = "Sigma Levels" ; siglev:standard_name = "ocean_sigma/general_coordinate" ; siglev:positive = "up" ; siglev:valid_min = "-1" ; siglev:valid_max = "0" ; siglev:formula_terms = "siglev:siglev eta:zeta depth:depth" ; float h(node) ; h:long_name = "Bathymetry" ; h:units = "meters" ; h:positive = "down" ; h:standard_name = "depth" ; h:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; int nv(three, nele) ; nv:long_name = "nodes surrounding element" ; float time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:units = "seconds after 00:00:00" ; time:calendar = "none" ; int iint(time) ; iint:long_name = "internal mode iteration number" ; float zeta(time, node) ; zeta:long_name = "Sea Level" ; zeta:units = "meters" ; zeta:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; zeta:type = "data" ; float Nitrogen(time, siglev, node) ; Nitrogen:unit = "mmole N m-3" ; Nitrogen:long_name = "Concentration" ; Nitrogen:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; Nitrogen:type = "data" ; float Phytoplankton(time, siglev, node) ; Phytoplankton:unit = "mmole C m-3" ; Phytoplankton:long_name = "Concentration" ; Phytoplankton:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; Phytoplankton:type = "data" ; float Zooplankton(time, siglev, node) ; Zooplankton:unit = "mmole C m-3" ; Zooplankton:long_name = "Concentration" ; Zooplankton:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; Zooplankton:type = "data" ; float Detritus(time, siglev, node) ; Detritus:unit = "mmole C m-3" ; Detritus:long_name = "Concentration" ; Detritus:grid = "fvcom_grid" ; Detritus:type = "data" ; // global attributes: :title = "FRESH " ; :institution = "School for Marine Science and Technology" ; :source = "FVCOM_GEM_1.0" ; :history = "model started at: 18/12/2010 12:12" ; :references = "" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ; }